Kane is one of the most decorated superstars in WWE today, as well as one of the most tenured wrestlers on the roster, but his accolades are not why people cheer for him. Sure, being a former WWE, World, ECW, WWE tag, WCW tag, World tag, IC and hardcore champion, Money in the Bank winner and record-setting Royal Rumble participant is all well and good.

But the reason people are cheering for the Big Red Monster these days is because of his entertaining antics as a part of Team Hell No.

Kane and Daniel Bryan are the tag team champions and one of the most entertaining duos in WWE today, which was something nobody would have thought possible had the team of Kane and Daniel Bryan been pitched two years ago.

Bryan and Kane have become one of WWE's best acts inside and outside of the tag team division and a large part of that comes from the chemistry between Bryan and Kane.

The two vastly different superstars have been able to find a common ground and take their gimmicks to a new level, especially Kane.

Before teaming with Bryan, Kane was in and out of the world title scene, but he was never one of the main players in WWE for one reason or another.

Maybe being the storyline brother of The Undertaker has overshadowed Kane's talent over the years, but being a part of Team Hell No has allowed him to do new things that have made him more popular than ever.

Undertaker and Kane will always be linked, but Kane has done something Undertaker was never able to do—sustain a comedy act.

When Bryan and Kane were first paired together it seemed like it would be a short-term situation at best. They were paired together by AJ as a punishment, but they ended up being the ones who benefited from the situation.

The anger management segments they took part in over the first few weeks of their partnership showed a new side to both superstars, and it is one fans have embraced.

Bryan's over-the-top anger issues combined with Kane's penchant for destruction make for great backstage banter, but it is their in-ring styles that have meshed better than anyone would have imagined.

Kane is no stranger to having smaller partners. The Hurricane, X-Pac, Mankind and RVD were all notably smaller than Kane and they all won gold together.

Bryan and Kane are on a different level though. Kane is arguably one of the best big men in the history of wrestling and Bryan is one of the best overall wrestlers in the world right now.

When you take two wrestlers with as much talent as Bryan and Kane have and put them together, it will usually yield great results, but Kane and Bryan have exceeded all expectations.

They have managed to keep the angle going without it becoming stale by tweaking certain things here and there. For example, when they first started out they would always compete to see who got the pinfall, but now they work as a team and finish their opponents decisively.

They used to get mad at each other over the littlest things, but now they combine their anger and direct it at their opponents. Dr. Shelby really is that good, apparently.

This partnership has breathed new life into Kane's career, which seemed to have leveled off for a few years until teaming with Bryan.

Teaming with Bryan has been great for Kane because it has allowed him to connect with the fans again using humor as well as his trademark sadistic style.

This team has been good for Bryan as well. The former world champion has proven to everyone that he is capable of maintaining one of the most entertaining gimmicks in WWE today.

Nobody would have said that back when Bryan was on NXT, but a few short years later and here we are with Kane and Bryan as champions and Bryan being just as crazy and entertaining as Kane.

WWE has been able to keep this angle going without people tiring of it, which is the equivalent to catching lightning in a bottle when it comes to WWE storylines.

How long the team will stay together is unknown, but both men will come out of this team with a higher profile than when they got together.

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